Mike Gomberg

Career Wellbeing Coach


I am an accredited career well-being coach with a Master’s in Positive Psychology, articles published in HR magazines, and over 20 years of experience in corporate leadership roles. Career well-being coaching helps individuals align their work with their values, strengths, and aspirations for a fulfilling professional journey. This stimulating process of internal exploration enables people to access and develop a range of internal resources to achieve their desired goals.

From global companies to local start-ups, I have combined theory and practice to lead well-being coaching initiatives that create more humanised organisations. Working with individuals and groups from various backgrounds at different seniority levels, I have witnessed how our jobs can be a great field of practice for intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth.

That is why I’ve decided to apply the science of well-being to help people thrive by unlocking their strengths at work.

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English and Portuguese


Career well-being coaching

*Note that this is not a psychology session.


*Medicare rebates are not available for these sessions.


Mike is an accredited career well-being coach with a Master’s in Positive Psychology, articles published in HR magazines, and over 20 years of experience in corporate leadership roles.
Career well-being coaching helps individuals align their work with their values, strengths, and aspirations for a fulfilling professional journey. This stimulating process of internal exploration enables people to access and develop a range of internal resources to achieve their desired goals.


Unveiling your strengths
Finding purpose at work
Cultivating gratitude
Crafting the job of your dreams
Mapping your values

Standard Pricing

  • Cost per session
  • 220 / session

Each session is approximately 50 minutes in duration


  • Career Wellbeing Coaching

Areas of Specialty

  • Enhancing job satisfaction
    Preventing burnout 
    Creating work meaningfulness 
    Increasing self-awareness
    Developing an appreciative mindset


  • Master’s of Applied Positive Psychology (1st class Honours) – Melbourne University
    Presenter at the 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 
    Accredited Coach – International Coaching Federation 
    20 years of experience in executive roles at The Coca-Cola Company

Rebates: When you have an appointment with one of our psychologists you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate of $89.65 (if you see a General Psychologist) and $129.55 (if you see a Clinical Psychologist), per session. We do not bulk bill. There is an out of pocket fee which varies depending on the clinician you see.

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